Teaching Materials to highlight Language Arts and Ancient Civilizations
15 August 2021 | TMA
In 2021, Reading the Middle Ages Educational Materials or "Teaching the Middle Ages through Novel Studies" service learning project was initiated with a purpose to provide knowledge exchange and K-12 Outreach and to support undergraduate students in their professional development as they participate with the international community in promoting the study of the Middle Ages in elementary and high School.
Students and educators created teaching materials for Thor, a chapter of the Myths of the Norsemen: Retold from the Old Norse Poems and Tales (Green), for a graphic novel of Beowulf by Gareth Hinds, “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” a chapter in King Arthur and His Knights of The Round Table, and Joan of Arc French Soldier and Saint by Philip Wolny for young readers (grade 4/5 in Ontraio’s curriculum). Packets will contain novel study questions, vocabulary, character study, answer keys, crossword puzzles, card games, coloring sheets, and other activities. For high school readers, a packets will be made for "The Knight's Tale" from Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales. The lessons and activities follow the curriculum of the Ministry of Ontario but eductaors outside of Ontario can also find the teaching materials useful.
The service-learning project received the Government of Canada’s Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning (CEWIL) Canada grant and an Experiential Education Teaching & Learning Innovation Grant in its first year. Students are grateful to our elementary and High School industry partners in Ontario, especially to our 2021 partners, Mme. Angela Sciabbarrasi, French Immersion educator of St. John Bosco CES and Ms. Caroline Portelli, English Department Head/ AP teacher of St. Joan of Arc CHS. The project is also receiving support from Felipe Ruan, Director of the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (MARS); Elaine Albridge-Lowe of MARS; Sandy Howe, Associate Director of Experiential Education at Brock University; Koreen McCullough, Experiential Education Coordinator, Humanities Division at Brock University; and Humanities Librarians at Brock University's James A. Gibson Library: John Dingle, Acting Head of Collections and Charity Blaine, Access Services. In addition, the Digital Scholarship Lab at Brock University will support the dissemination of these educational resources to industry partners and to the international community of educators. TMA will also share the teaching packets, see Teaching Materials: https://www.teachingthemiddleages.com/teaching-materials.

Detail of the Story Board by J. Schultz
Resources for Teachers:
The first of these completed in the editing stage is the packet on Thor and can be downloaded here: https://www.teachingthemiddleages.com/tmanovelstudy2021

How to cite this blog
TMA Staff. "Service-Learning Project Teaching the Middle Ages with Novel Study receives the CEWIL Canada grant: Teaching Materials to highlight Language Arts and Ancient Civilizations." Teaching the Middle Ages, August 15, 2021, https://www.teachingthemiddleages.com/post/service-learning-project-teaching-the-middle-ages-with-novel-study-receives-the-cewil-canada-grant.