An ArcGIS Decameron StoryMap for High School Teachers
28 April 2022 | TMA

Giovanni Boccaccio’s One Hundred Tales is an ArcGIS story map designed by Dr. Teresa Russo at Victoria University in the University of Toronto for her students in the Material Culture and Semiotics Program to feature a semiotic reading of Boccaccio’s tales. The story map is a service-learning project with industry partners in education and part of the Teaching the Middle Ages through Novel Studies program, created by Russo in 2020, receiving the CEWIL Canada Program grant. Eight students working on the ArcGIS project from the Signs, Meaning and Culture course received the EWO WIL Student of the Year Award from the University of Toronto in January 2022 and have been nominated for a national award under the title “ArcGIS Bocaccio’s The Decameron 2021” for the products developed to support teachers in teaching the Middle Ages, the pandemic, and Boccaccio’s tales.
Congratulations to Amrita Brar, Mailey Horner, Hannah Guiang, Rion Levy, Anita. Sritharan, Sai Vipin Nikam, Josefina Novoa Reátegui, and Theodosiya Zyla. Their work will be shared first in August 2022, while the other tales that were completed are uploaded into the designed template. 250 frames of texts outlining 38 tales with 275 images fully captioned will continue to be uploaded throughout the year, and teachers should revisit the site for more images and story sets. The project should be completed with all 100 tales by 2023. Levy and Reátegui will present the project at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Médiévalistes on June 7, 2022 with their professor.
Students are grateful to Dr. Gianluca Agostinelli of the Niagara Catholic District School Board for his support of this project as the industry partner in 2021-2022. The tales completed in 2021 will be available to teachers in all 70 school boards in Ontario and to an international audience in the late summer through the ArcGIS Online and TMA site. A section for the ArcGIS has been added to TMA where other ArcGIS projects will be shared.
How to cite this blog:
TMA Staff. "Giovanni Boccaccio’s One Hundred Tales: An ArcGIS Decameron StoryMap for High School Teachers." Teaching the Middle Ages, April 28, 2022,