Teaching the Middle Ages (TMA)

Thor Story Board by J. Schultz
Novel Study
Teaching the Middle Ages through Novel Study, supervised by Dr. Teresa Russo, 2021
Volume 1, Issue 2 - Resources for Beowulf, the graphic-novel by Gareth Hinds, forthcoming
Volume 1, Issue 3 - Resources for “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” a chapter in King Arthur and His Knights of The Round Table, forthcoming
Volume 1, Issue 4 - Resources for Joan of Arc French Soldier and Saint by Philip Wolny
Volume 1, Issue 5 - Resources for "The Knight's Tale" from Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, forthcoming (HS resource)
Students at Brock University create educational materials for novel studies and teaching Ancient Civilizations curriculum in a service project supervised by Dr. Teresa Russo and with advice from industry partners.
Thank you to our industry partners and 2021 contributors:
2021 Brock University Students
Elizabeth Colantoni, Anastasia Donahue-White, Austin Evans, Lex Fournier, Kiara LeBlanc, Julia Schultz for “Thor’s Visit to Utgard,” a chapter in Roger L. Green’s Myths of the Norsemen: Retold from the Old Norse Poems and Tales. Vol. 1.1
Elizabeth Auld, Karyssa Chan, Aleah Graff, Kiara LeBlanc, Julia Minato, Julia Schultz, Bryce Seferiades for “Beowulf,”a graphic-novel by Gareth Hinds. Vol. 1.2
Andrew Bell, Gabrielle Dheilly, Regina Hernandez, Jacklyn Kinsella, Kiara LeBlanc, Meegan Rozon, Julia Schultz for “‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’ in Roger L. Green’s King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table.” Vol. 1.3
Chasnie DiPaola, Sloane Empke, Emerson Hathaway, Holly Hiscock, Kiara LeBlanc, Julia Miele, Alisabeth Reynolds, Julia Schultz for “Joan of Arc French Soldier and Saint by Philip Wolny.” Vol. 1.4
Taylor Anzivino, Emma Casburn, Isabella Casilio, Mikayla Dickinson, Matt Grenda, Kiara LeBlanc, Ava Magliaro, Zachary Slyford for “The Knight’s Tale.” Vol. 1.5
2021 Industry Partners
Mme. Angela Sciabbarrasi, French Immersion educator of St. John Bosco CES
Ms. Caroline Portelli, English Dept. Head/ AP teacher of St. Joan of Arc CHS
2021 Research Assistance, sponsored by CEWIL Canada program and Experiential Learning grants:
Kiara LeBlanc, Education Concurrent at Brock University
2021 Artist in Residence, sponsored by CEWIL Canada program and Experiential Learning grants:
Julia Schultz, Education Concurrent at Brock University
2021 Student Volunteers from our Industry Partners:
Lucia G. Di Pietro, Holy Cross Catholic Academy (YCDSB)
Sophia Narcisi, Emily Carr Secondary School (YRDSB)
The service project received the Government of Canada’s Co-operative Education and Work Integrated Learning (CEWIL) Canada grant and an Experiential Education Teaching & Learning Innovation Grant. Students are grateful to our elementary and high school industry partners in Ontario, especially to our 2021 partners, Mme. Angela Villella, French Immersion educator of St. John Bosco CES and Ms. Caroline Portelli, English Dept. Head/AP teacher of St. Joan of Arc CHS. We are also grateful to the support from Sandy Howe, Associate Director of Experiential Education at Brock University; Koreen McCullough, Experiential Education Coordinator, Humanities Division at Brock University; and our Humanities Librarians at Brock University’s James A. Gibson Library: John Dingle, Acting Head of Collections and Charity Blaine, Course Reserves Assistant, Access Services